Sunday, 4 October 2015

"Forced Equality"

These days I see people working so hard to prove two unequal things equal. A big reason for this is by doing so you can show others that how tolerant you are, further it also gives you the advantage of ‘political correctness’.

As a gay we all know that opposition to homosexuality is twofold - one emanating from social set up of our world and other from religious perspective. The first one is easier to handle as it’s proponents are not that rigid and are ready to listen and change their minds. But those who give religious arguments for opposing gays are really difficult to handle for the simple reason that they just won’t listen to any argument beyond their religion. And despite being at the risk of politically incorrect, I will have to say that the only major religions in the world who institutionally oppose homosexuality are – Christianity and Islam. Though in Christianity the opposition is not as much because of a religious text as is found in Islam. There are several texts in Islamic religious books which simply prescribe death penalty for being a homosexual.   

But some people who are proponents of ‘forced equality’ find it hard to digest. Therefore they drag other religions to prove practices of other religion are also anti-gay. In India particularly, such people leave no stone unturned to force feed people to comply with their idea of ‘forced equality’. But logics really cease to exist in such debates because here a stand by a political party becomes a religious stand irrespective of what religious texts actually say!

Just for sake of pleasing such people I refuse to agree to them that Hinduism and Islam are alike! How can a religion where so many examples are there to prove that gays (and people with alternate gender or sexuality) were treated equally be equated a religion which talks about destructing a whole city of homosexuals?? Similarly, a religion where you can attain ‘moksha’ irrespective of your sexuality be equated with a religion which says being homosexual is a sin punishable with death by stoning in public?? Hypocrisy must end by calling a spade a spade. But comparisons eventually turn into the advocacy of one and nick - picking examples to demean other because the debate was not being conducted with open minds. You were already going with a predetermined notion to prove equality which never existed.

In the end I can just offer my condolences for such people.   

(Readers are requested not to give any communal color to what I have said. I have just drew a comparison which shows that Islam is an anti-gay religion and most of Muslims are proud of this fact; in such circumstances, any gay has to take his own call how to deal with it while praising other aspects of Islam. In my opinion religious teachings cannot be segmented. We should take an overall view of things) 

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