Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Bisexuality = Polygamy ?

Despite of already conveying my thoughts on various issues concerning gays in most unambiguous manner, I  feel that  it is next to impossible to make some people realize the underlying logic. Perhaps certain type of minds are not fully receptive for intuitive deductions of this nature. Or perhaps my below average literary skills are to be blamed for the whole mess!

Who is a bisexual person?
Is a bisexual person by his/her very nature, incapable of fidelity?

Let’s consider one by one.

Who is a bisexual person?
A straight is a person who is attracted to the people of opposite sex.
A Gay is a person who is attracted to the people of same sex.
Any reasonable person would define a bisexual as a person who is equally or ‘more or less equally’ attracted to the people of both sexes.

Is a bisexual person by his/her very nature, incapable of fidelity?
Second question, I would like to answer through an example.
Devdutt is a straight person. He likes many girls. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that he would marry all the girls he likes or will have sex with all of them.
Somdutt is a gay person. He likes many boys. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that he would enter into a relationship with all of them or will have sex with all of them.
Brahmdutt is a bisexual person. He likes many girls and many boys. It means that he has to marry and has to have sex with more than one woman and/or has to have relationship and sex with more than one man.

Sounds weird? But this is exactly what some bisexuals want to publicize. This definition suits their polygamous nature as it demonstrates the ‘compulsion’ on the part of such bisexuals to have partners (sexual or otherwise) of either sexes. I strongly reject such notion.

If you want to justify polygamy, that’s entirely a different debate (and right now I don’t want to give any argument either in support of or against polygamy). But don’t use bisexuality as an excuse for polygamy.

A person can be polygamous irrespective of being straight, gay or bisexual. A person can be adulterous irrespective of being straight, gay or bisexual (Note that polygamy does not necessarily mean being adulterous)*. Similarly a person can be faithful and monogamous irrespective of being straight, gay or bisexual.

Therefore those bisexuals (or straights or gays) who want to defend their polygamous nature may come out in open defense of polygamy on its own merits rather than just keep on repeating (directly or indirectly) that being a bisexual polygamy and/or adultery is their un-challengeable fate. Because it causes hardships on all those bisexuals who are monogamous and/or faithful and don’t want to be bracketed with polygamous and/or adulterous people.  

(* If a person voluntarily discloses to his/her prospective spouse/sex-partner  that he/she already has matrimonial/sexual relationships with other person(s) who also know his/her polygamous nature, I feel, is a case of pure polygamy and not adultery.)

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