Tuesday, 27 November 2012



There is a breed of Gays which is even more deviant than normal gays found in India. These are the people who give shock of life to their fellow gays while chatting online and make the life of all normal gays even more difficult by telling that they are for relationship that too lifelong‼ Let me highlight some basic characteristics of these people. FIRST, these people are not ashamed in accepting that they are Gays‼ Neither they pretend to be bisexual while actually being a Gay. This proves that they are shameless. SECOND, most certainly they have very low levels of male hormone Testosterone, because they don’t shy away from the fact that for spending their lives happily, they need a male partner and not a girl. They need care of a man for feeling safe and happy, this provides enough basis to prove their girlish nature. THIRD, since these people keep offering lifelong relationships to every second person they chat with, proves that they are totally unrealistic! Let me tell you further- why. As a gay we all know that we live in a different country which doesn’t accept relationships between two men like all other countries across the globe (Does Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and many other African Countries even exist? Well I don’t know‼). Therefore climate of India is not conducive for such kind of relationships. If someone still wants to prove his foolishness he is welcome to do so at the risk of being called unrealistic‼ FOUR, usually these people don’t have any family, or have a nucleus modern type of family. In India, sons are supposed to be very obedient, and are religiously bound to make their parents happy. And it is not a hidden fact that parents wish to see their sons getting married to a girl, so it is safe to presume that either these people don’t have any family (therefore they are so free!) or have a nucleus modern family which is not answerable to extended and distant relatives. FIVE, as a corollary one can say that in rarest of rare cases, if such people have a large family full of uncles and aunts, bhaiyas and bhabhis, and all of them very traditional and orthodox, they must be very sovereign and disregardful of their family-wishes. Everyone can’t disregard their parents and relatives; after all it is wicked and selfish to think of one’s own choices disregarding all those who love you. SIX, Unspiritual/Unreligious. They must not believe in social and religious orders which God has Himself created. As a mortal, we all have to abide by this order by marrying a woman, but these miserable human beings (if one can call them so) poised to violate this law.

These people have right to exist, though they can’t make the lives of others more difficult by their stray offers and thoughts. I mean it is everyone’s experience that life of normal gays is very difficult in India. Each day they have to struggle to hide their identity from their parents, friends and relatives. Further they have this unending desire to have sex (which is very natural as they are young men) with other guys! These relationship thirsty jerks don’t understand that how difficult it is in India to find a suitable person to have sex. First of all you have to make a fake profile on facebook or on other social networking sites and chat rooms, and then you have to look for similar people who want to satisfy their same desire!! Most of the times people don’t show their pictures and you have to rely on what they say about their looks! Since these people are among normal gays, they can be relied easily. Next problem is really a terrible one! The PLACE!!! Curse the ever increasing population of India for this. You can’t even find a place for few hours or even for few minutes!! So even if you get a suitable person you still might not be able to satisfy each other. Ooops! It goes without mentioning one more difficulty faced by all normal gays in India. Yes, it is about those two words- The Tops and The Bottoms!! Hope you all know about it, so needless to elaborate it further. Therefore one has to face such major difficulties each day before finding someone suitable with place, and these idiots waste your time by asking for lifelong relationship! After all they have no right to use these social forums to propagate their laughable desires! I mean it is a hard fact of life that no two boys can spend their life together like a couple without a breakup or a fight. And what wrong do these normal gay guys commit if they marry a girl under ‘social pressure’!! After all by doing so not only they satisfy their parents, but also save their close relatives from unnecessary humiliation. Further what does a woman need from her husband? Sexual Satisfaction!! Which these respectable normal gay guys can give to her and bless her with children as well. And in the process of satisfying everyone, if they feel oppressed, then shouldn’t they have some liberty to please themselves somehow. Come on! Everyone do this! Be mature! And accept this fact. There is no harm if you can satisfy your wife, parents and children by indulging in little bit of cheating.

This is the life of a normal gay in India, and not all people can go through this without complaining. But hell!! These deviant creatures have their own story! They try to give you the lecture that social pressure is not the only factor; it is your personal cowardice that forces you to marry an innocent girl. They dampen your spirit of sacrificing your life for your parents and relatives by call it a cheating with a girl. They call it commoditization of women for satisfying one’s parents. They want to persuade you to feel that it is wrong to have sexual relationship with another man while you are married and living with your wife. They want to inject this thought into your mind that two men can feel for each other in the same way like a man and a woman feel for each other. They call it Love!! (Laughable! Isn’t it?) They want you to fight with society and persuade your parents if they are against- you living with a boy. Above all these miserable guys make others hopeful that one day it will be a reality when two men will be able to hold their hands in public like two lovers do! They just draw your mind into such dream world which, you know for sure, can’t exist. And in the process of doing all this they make you cry as if you were going to commit or have already committed a crime. They make your heart feel-if you marry a girl despite being a gay, you are going to make life of many people comparable to hell. They say that you will never be able to forget your first genuine feelings for a boy.

Who has given these deviant girlish unrealistic unreligious rebellious people the right to preach a NORMAL INDIAN GAY, and make his life even more difficult by provoking thoughts into his mind???

~Prove That Gays Can Love Too.

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