Saturday, 24 August 2013

Reply To Joshua Agams

Today when I logged into my Facebook account, I found a piece of sermon written on the wall of ‘Prove That Gays Can Love Too’ by some Joshua Agams. You can read the typical lecture given by a typical fundamentalist which I have reproduced verbatim. For the benefit of all, I am share it along with my reply thereto. 

Joshua Agams:
Its a pity how ppl now cage then selves calling them selves gay ppl..u better wake up, cos God never plan any of this Gay idea... Come to think of it, what how did God deal with the gay ppl in Sodom n Gomorrah when they try to have there way sexually with the does angels that visited Lot's family ? Well u check wat happen to dem in the Holy bible in Genesis chapter 19 verse 5 to 11. No i don't hate ppl for bin gay but the fact still remains,u hate wat God destine for u,ie obeying him concerning his initial gud plans whic involves Adam and Eve n not Adam n Adam or Eve n an oda Eve, as simple as that.

My Reply:
There are few points which you need to understand. 

First, whole population of this world is not Christian so they are not bound by whatever is written in holy bible. 

Second, you are just another human being, you have not got any special right to interpretate God’s will. It is preposterous for any believer to claim that he understands God’s will completely. I cannot comment much about the authenticity of the example you have given, but can’t you see what is evident from your surrounding? God is providing same amount of sun-light, air and space to gays around the globe without any sort of discrimination. God has given them the capability to enjoy with their respective life-partners. So I don’t see any such design of God whereby homosexuals are discriminated. On the contrary there are people who claim to be God’s followers are trying their level best to interfere with God’s will. Tell me… Is God himself not capable enough to enforce his will? Why does he need your help? 

Third, try to educate yourself about the concept of God as it is practiced in Hinduism (the Vedic religion), then you would know that no one in this world is capable enough to understand Almighty’s will, nor does that Almighty and Omnipresent God is perturbed by anyone’s sexuality. Being heterosexual is of no help in attaining Him nor does homosexuality posses any sort of disability in His pursuit. He is interested just in our mind’s attachment (towards material world or towards Him). He accepts all those who love Him irrespective of their sexuality (or rather irrespective of any other material attribute). 

Lastly, I would like to quote a verse from Rig Veda (the oldest scripture, the mankind knows) 

Who really knows?
Who will here proclaim it?
Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation?
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen? ~Rig Veda 

(Here it is emphasized that even gods/ demi-gods are incapable of understanding His (God’s) will and deeds, leave alone mortal humans.) 

That’s it. 

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