Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Germs Of Foolishness

​"​I definitely love him a lot, but what to do? I am totally helpless, because my family and friends will never accept me as a gay.​ Society is to be blamed for this. The time has not yet come for a gay relationship to flourish in India."

Don't you all, often hear such talk? Such talk, is a clear cut sign of a person who has not enough guts to be in a relationship. Love requires courage and this very courage is unknown to such people. They reduce love to the level of 'gay sex'. My only question from such people is- "Is it so that you suddenly had this divine realization that gay relationships are not possible in India? Where had your ability to think gone away earlier?"

If all people become like this there would be no change whatsoever in the thinking of society at large. There was a time when widow remarriage was considered as taboo. But certain people stood up, faced opposition and changed the system. Divorces, Love marriages are still considered unthinkable in many strata of the society, yet there are people who are opting for the same because a) It liberates them from constant pain and anguish b) It gives them the pleasure which they rightfully deserve (respectively). Why is it so that people begin to show that only gays would be doing something extraordinary? The people who have --"If we are not happy, then how can anybody else who shows some courage becomes happy."-- like thinking even discourage others by repeating their rhetoric. At that point, such people really cross their limits. My only request to such people is --"If you are destined to behave like a cowardly fool, so be it. But please don't spread the germs of your foolishness among those who want to bring about change, if not in society then at least in their lives. You simply don't have any right to discourage them and that too without any reason other than sheer cowardice."

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