Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The Cheaters, Cowards & Impatients

There are many gays who have a mixed feeling of anger and disgust in their minds for some other gays. To a great extent I find this feeling  justified. Obviously a person who doesn’t believe in ‘sexual rampage’ and who nourishes a dream of a lovely family would not like to be clubbed with these ‘sex rioters’.

I would like to include few more people in the list, although the nature and degree of my complaint from them differs to a great extent.
  • Those gays who although feel that being with a boy (lifelong) is not wrong, but due to social pressure would marry a girl anyway. (The Cowards cum Cheaters)
  • Those gays who decide to be alone (lifelong) just because they don’t want to face society. (The Cowards)
  • Those gays who accept lifelong loneliness as their ultimate destiny because they are tired of their so called ‘fruitless long efforts’ to find their Mr. Right. (The Impatient)

Apart from above categories of people there is one more category with which I truly sympathies. These are those gays who have actually decided to face the wrath of all but stick to their decision to be with a boy and have been trying for really long but so far have failed to find anyone. In some cases such people have been trying almost continuously for 8 years! I don’t know what to say to these people to console them. Words are simply not enough. I can only say that I have myself suffered like them for almost 4-5 years and therefore I know their pain. And as long as cowardice exists among gays, people like us are destined to suffer in similar manner. But it doesn’t mean that we should stop trying losing all hope that we have. Omniscient God will certainly oblige us one day. At the same time we must try to persuade others that cheating, cowardice and impatience are never going to help them because the dryness on the surface does not kill ‘the seed of true feelings’ lying unperturbed deep into their hearts.   

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