Tonight when I checked my Facebook profile, I found a long
message in the form of a long series of different questions relating to what I
post and believe about Gays. I decided to give it a shape of a post and answer
these questions publically so as to remove the doubts of others as well.
(17.06.2013) Monday
Q: I m also bi and know about gay society very much. If I am wrong tell me. May be you are loyal for your partner but think about whole society because if any right given to you means given to whole society.
A: I feel injustice with a single human being who is innocent defeats the purpose of law. Even if one were to presume that no other person is like me (i.e. who is looking for a lifelong committed relationship with a person), it doesn’t take away my fundamental right to have freedom of selection and expression thereof and peaceful co-existence with a respectful place in society and in law (like the one straights have!).
Q: Ask any boy or girl above 18 year that whether they want to be child of gay couple? If answer is no then how can we force child of 1-2-3 year to be child of gay couple who is not in position to take decision about its life.
A: In reply of this, I would like to ask you to ask any person who has attained the age of majority whether he / she is fully satisfied with his / her parents and with the family in which he / she is born in. Of course there would be a large number of people who would like to have born in a ‘better’ family. But does it mean that an injustice has been done with any of them? Further, a 1-2-3 year old child who has being brought up in an asylum / orphanage, certainly doesn’t have all those necessities which are essential for living a good life. Then what is the harm if a gay couple adopts such child, educates him, makes him self-sufficient and above all gives him all their love?
Q: You are saying that society and law should change their mind set about gays but can u first change gay society of which every member search new guy for every next night?
A: I have always objected strongly to people painting everyone with the same brush. Agreed that many gays are looking for nothing but sex, but there are many people who are literally dying to have someone in their life forever. But the later are very silent people and the former make a lot of noise and showoff and therefore the impression that the whole community is just sex hungry. Even many those who seem to be looking just for sex are actually those poor thoughtless guys, who have so much fear of society in their minds that they have not even thought for a second that one day it might be possible that they can have a true relationship without the fear of anybody. But in heart of hearts they all know that they want to settle down with someone.
Q: You tell that gay can also do true love but can u give me single name who do sex with only one guy and even don't want to have sex with other person?
A: Is being monogamous an obligation made only for gays? Why don’t you ask your straight friends to begin with that whether they had sex with their wives only? As far as giving a name of such a gay person is concerned, let me assure you, I know many such gay people who are alone (without have sex with anyone!) even after 2-3 years after they have been dumped by a cheater who they think was their life partner. I know many such gay guys who can’t even think to have sex with a person they are not in love with. And I certainly know many such gay men who still cry for their lost love… and they cry really bitterly. You ask yourself, if you have ever tried to take some pain to find such people around you?
Q: What is the mind set of that child whose parents are not respectable in society? It is us who chose to be gay but why children force to be child of those parents who are not respectable in society?
A: I have partly answered it reply to your second question. Let me tell further. What is ‘unrespectable’ in society, a family which could not teach its child to be a good and law abiding citizen or a family which builds an enviable character in the child? Certainly ashamed should be those parents who due to their reckless parenting could not give their child values and the child later becomes… say drug addict. Why should a gay couple be ashamed which has educated their child well and has put him in an enviable position. I am not denying the extraordinary difficulties which the family and the child will have to face. But ultimately such difficulties can never be allowed to forfeit the dream of a ‘Lovely Family’. (Freely talking to child about his family and about having two dads or two moms can be of great help. Likewise many other measures can be taken so that child feels proud of his parents.) Slowly people will begin to understand… but initially someone has to take the lead. Then why wait for someone else to do that?
Q: I read your wall about right to adopt child. It is very touchy but do you think it is right? Forget about gay think one family where parents always seek new partner for sex for every night. What impression will go in mind of their children?
A: Do I need to answer it any further? It is your deep rooted prejudice against gays and against gay families, which is forcing you to think that even after constituting a lovely family parents would have time to look for new sex partners each night! At least I think that I won’t have any time for that. After all looking after a slothful and slow life partner who always demands attention and taking care of a naughty little child which shall have (May God it happens soon!), is no easy task.
And the conversation continued ....
(19.06.2013) Wednessday
Further Exchange of Thoughts....
(20.06.2013) Thursday
And the conversation continued ....
(19.06.2013) Wednessday
Dear Ritesh,
I m not convinced from your replies. You thought that whole gay society is just like you but truth is very far. You are saying that there are lots of people who are loyal to their partner and did not have sex with other guy. Just check your list again and compare to the total numbers it would be very less comparatively.
Further you said that you want your fundamental rights and do not bother about implication when every other gay also have same rights and they can use those rights to disturb the society and also disturb the mind set of new generation by adopting them. It shows your poor mind set which is not intellectual but like a child who wants whatever he think right.
I am writing this despite the fact that i am also belongs to this gay society. You know our society where being gay is worse than be a criminal.
Let us come to the point of parenting. This is very sensitive issue. Be a child of those parents who could not be good parents due to their “Karma”, you can complaint to god and your own parents only not to any other person. But be a child of gay couple, there are lots of people to whom he/she can complaint i.e. law, society, real parents etc.
Now come to the orphans who live in orphanage. Do you think whoever wants child to adopt, should be allow to adopt child just because they can give better life to the children? Other standards should not be check? They are not going to be child of any couple because of birth but because of choice and choice is belongs to only adopting couple not to child so it is moral duty of society and law maker to check whether child is going to the correct couple or not. Whether he will get respectable life within society after adopting by couple or not? Right now gay couple are not respectable in society and they chose this life because of own liking and cannot blame to other if they suffer in future.
Now it is time to change the society first not law. I think you will take my comments positively and think broad minded. I am not good writer and my English also not good but I think you will understand what I want to say. Moreover don’t split whole thoughts in pieces it is the work of politician who destroy soul of thoughts through splitting into small small questions and then answer.
Dear Friend,
I actually took all your questions / comments in a positive manner and found them worth answering, therefore posted them on this blog. And I think that language is merely a mean to communicate whatever is in your mind, and I felt no difficulty in understanding you. As far as splitting your thought into pieces is concerned, that was not intentional, I just thought these were separate questions. Anyways, my profuse apologies for that.
See, I never thought of convincing you by my replies, these were more in the nature of a clarification of my thoughts. Everyone perceives the world through the prism of his own heart and rightly so. You asked me to check my list of true and honest gays again, let me tell you, the list is ever expanding. Only last night I come to know a gay guy who was / is in love with another guy who could not muster enough courage to be with him and yet this guy thinks that he cannot give anybody the place in his heart which this person once occupied / occupies. Most love stories are not perfect but that doesn’t mean that these are no love stories at all.
Your other thought / question was again judgmental / prejudiced when you say that other gays might use their fundamental rights to disturb the order of society because you didn’t mention any reason for the same. I fail to see any such circumstance where a gay person can use his rights to harm anybody and even if somebody does so, the law of the land should take care of such miscreant. There are many parents who force their children into many bad activities but your prejudiced mind is forcing you to treat it as a ‘gay problem’ instead of a problem of bad parenting. You may call it a poor thinking of a child but I often remember the following words of Martin Luther – “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” As I said earlier that entire purpose of law gets defeated if injustice in done even to a single person, I say again, even if somebody is to use misuse a prospective law, it doesn’t mean the law should not be enacted. (In such case no law should ever have been enacted.)
Since you brought in the philosophy of ‘Karma’, let me tell you, my ‘Karma’ is to bring and brought up a child to the best of my ability and resources. Teaching my child the fundamentals of justice and social equity also comes in the purview of good parenting and ‘Good Karma’. And I cannot expect anything in return from my child for this because I have right only on what I do and not in what I get in return. In case despite of all my efforts, if my child is to blame me in future for anything, it would be his Karma. You and I often read in newspapers that acrimony went so high between a child and his parents (over property or any other issue) that the child deserts or even murders his parents. What would you say to such parents? Probably they too should not have decided to bring this child into this world accordingly to you. Having more people to make complaints is no logic in my view. A complainant always thinks that he has all good reasons to complain. But the validity of a complaint can only be decided only on the facts of the case and not on the basis of number of accused people. Still I feel it is a challenge for each and every gay parent to raise their children in such a way that they feel proud on their fathers / mothers.
Of course it is the duty of society to check the credentials of a couple / individual adopting a child. Well being of child should be the guiding principle for the custodians of an orphan child. And everyone knows that if a child is there in an orphanage one cannot expect his long term well being. Therefore adoptions are always a better option. Now take the example of a heterosexual couple approaching an orphanage. How can the custodians of the child know about their ‘respectability’. At most they can judge / check their social status and bonafide credentials. As far as ‘unrespectable’ position of a gay couple in society is concerned it is not due to their fault. It is the unjust and mindless opposition of society which puts gays in the so called ‘unrespectable’ position and the same society shall disallow them adoption rights on this very pretext. This is double exploitation of gays. The same argument you can put forth in case of adoption by a single man or woman. Even in such cases the child may (or may not) feel that he hasn’t been ‘handed over’ to a right person but the same society and same law allows it. (Why??)
I agree with you that society needs to be changed first instead of law, but if society could have been changed so easily then there would be no need of any law whatsoever! Take the example of law against ‘sati’ or against ‘child marriages’ or against ‘untouchability’. In all these cases it was not the society which was changed first. Society behaves in a manner akin to a ruthless criminal addicted to the crime. It cannot be changed by pleadings alone. Law has to be there to take care of things. One has to adopt ‘saam, daam, daand, bhed’ to achieve this goal of equality. And I would go to the extent of saying that I don’t mind even if for a brief period the ‘peace’ in society also gets disturbed by it. Because
और जिन्हेँ इस शान्ति-व्यवस्था
में सुख-भोग सुलभ है,
उनके लिए शान्ति ही जीवन-
सार, सिद्धि दुर्लभ है।
पर, जिनकी अस्थियाँ चबाकर,
शोणित पीकर तन का,
जीती है यह शान्ति, दाह
समझो कुछ उनके मन का. (--रामधारी सिंह दिनकर )
(This so called peace may be dear to those who posses all rights and are enjoying all amenities / privileges but what about those who are being oppressed without any just cause?)
Further Exchange of Thoughts....
(20.06.2013) Thursday
Dear Ritesh,
I think that you are taking this debate other way. I don’t want to discuss about gay rights, their thinking, because at what limit you want freedom, I want more than that. But my desire only upto me and where ever it clubs with other person then I think with his/her point of view.
I wrote my previous statement only when you demanded right to adopt child by the gay couples. Let me clear my view.
What is the position of gays in society today? I don’t think it is respectable. Do you think that change in law will change the society? You force people to not harm other by imposing law but cannot force anyone to respect others. If parents of anyone do any work for which society thinks that it is not respectable then children of those parents also feels cheated and angry towards their parents. And you want that community which already have not enough respect in society right now, should adopt children? What will be thinking of that child when he will grow up and see that society does not want to understand his/her parents and their feeling and even not respect them? We are saying about our right but not about rights of those children to whom we want to adopt. As per my opinion, children should grow in normal condition so that they make their way their salve. They should not face any question when they become mature. Do you think that money and love are the only one which children want? No they also wants that their parents should have good status in society. I am saying this not only for gay community but for all those parents who cannot give better and healthy upbringing to their children. If any parents cannot fulfill basic requirements or cannot give safe and healthy environment till 18 year, they don’t have right to born child. It includes divorcee (since mother and father both include in compulsory requirement), beggars, criminals, involve in openly extra affairs (I wrote openly because if society don’t know about your relation then it will not affect children).
We need first to create respect in society for gays. Law has been changed but society still not changed. Law fulfilled “our” first demand by changing section 377 now it is our duty to change society and then we should think for next.
Now I want to give answer of your some comment.
1. words of Martin Luther – “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” – world would not go to pieces because of my apple tree but due to other reason. In our case what I said is directly related to adoption of child.
2. the list is ever expanding. – please make your list because who are honest gay couple never want to live in dark or hidden. May be your list go till 100 or 1000 or 10000 but you know how many gays in India. May be more than 10 lac. In my life I have never seen any boy who is openly gay or did not marry to girl because he is gay. If you think that I am not social or my social network is very limited may be right because in my network, foreigner not include. I love to intract with lots of people. In my 33 yr age I have made journey to many states i.e. New Delhi, UP, Haryana, Jammu Kasmir, Utrakhand, Rajasthan, Maharastha, Tamilnadu, MP, goa, pandichery and Karnataka. Also I have met and intract with many NGO working in many areas, many political and religious groups.
3. You may call it a poor thinking of a child: It is not you or me who decide that what child should think. We can assume that he will think what majority people think.
One thing I want to clear that I don’t want de-motivate you or any other person who belongs to our society. You know there is one yahoo group “Hindigay4” in which members post gay stories. One writer was very popular named Amber Khan. But his stories included incest sex also so some members started demanding to ban him. As per their view incest is unnatural/ immoral. I love to read incest stories but personally think that it is very harmful for the society but even after I don’t want to ban him. At that time I wrote one mail to group that when whole society thinks that we are wrong but we proud on us and say that it is natural then incest lover has also same view. So don’t restrict anyone and don’t judge anyone on the ground of morality. It is our personal choice and we are not going to hurt anyone. But group owner banned him.
At last I want to tell you that if you think that our society and its member are honest then I want to clear that it is very far from truth. Ya if you restrict this society to only those people who are honest then you are right but even me also don’t come in this very very small society. I am 33 year old and my first sexual encounter was done at the age of 10 when I even did not know S E X. Luckily I was not victim of any sexual crime since my partner was also 10 year old and we started it as a game. If I will start to write about gays (I don’t know whether they are part of your society) and their mentality, their attraction towards Kinky desires, it will take days or even months. I am not against gays since it is our choice and we are not harming anyone.
First we should decide that what we want to include in our society since generally we call it LGBT and B for Bi who have more than one affair. Then regularize this community so that others can also trust on us even let their children sit with us openly and then create respect within whole society.
I also request you to change colour of your blog. It is very dark. Use some light colour.
Dear Friend,
I think you are taking to an impracticable extreme when you say that no one should have the right to bring a child into this world if he / she cannot fulfill the basic requirements of a healthy upbringing of a child or cannot guarantee a healthy environment till the child attains 18 years of age. You included divorcees, beggars, and criminals in the list of people who should be prohibited to get a child. I guess by same logics, someone would like to include poor people in such list. Would it be allowed then? Or even a person who is wealthy and respectable at present may not remain so in future, what would happen to the children of such people? At most what you are saying is can be recommendatory. Ultimate it is the discretion and self judgment of the people which takes the centre stage in such decisions. Then why exclude only gays? (And don’t think even for a moment that I am trying to make a right from two wrongs!) My belief is – the desire to have an off-spring is deeply engrained into the DNA of all living beings. You cannot put unreasonable restrictions (which are the ‘gift’ of the society) to such natural desire. You are academically dreaming of an extremely egalitarian and romantically just society. But I don’t want to discuss it academically. Rights of an unborn baby must be respected, but it cannot be taken to such an extreme where a considerable population is debarred from having children of their own (whether biological or adopted). Further, if first you allow society to declare and treat gays as ‘unrespectables’ and then allow the same society to decide the ‘unrespectability’ as a ground of debarring gays to have children, it becomes laughable. The analogy of 10 wolves and one lamb deciding what to have in dinner, applies to such situation.
I quoted Martin Luther just to stress my point that no matter how others may feel about certain things, a person must do what he feels is right. Others deciding my respectability- is no hindrance in I getting a child, if I can be proud of myself and can teach my child to do the same thing.
You say that you have been to so many places and have been in contact with NGOs as well but have not yet seen a guy who is openly gay or who has not married a girl knowing he was a gay, I can only say it is very unfortunate and partly this may be the reason why you believe what you believe. But I have interacted / met enough number of people who say that they will not marry a girl in any circumstance or are out to their family and / or friends. Having said that -having fewer numbers on your side doesn’t make your point wrong ipso facto. I would be saying the same thing even if I had only myself in that list of honest gay people. And I don’t believe that a public declaration of your sexuality makes you an honest gay. To me if a person doesn’t cheat anyone to hide his cowardice and / or sexuality is an honest man. Everyone should choose the people and time to come out. It doesn’t have to be in front of society at large.
I have never considered your thoughts / questions de-motivating. Personally I too feel that thoughts should not be censored.
No society if free from dishonest people and as a corollary gays too are not an exception. I have no rights to forbid those people calling themselves gay who change their sex partners on daily basis, or those who marry a naïve girl to hide their truth from society so that they can look ‘respectable’. But I have all rights to stress the point that whole society is not similar. I usually avoid using the term LGBT because transgender people are on different footings because of their inherent discomfort with their body. It doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that they too should have a respectable place in society and the rights which they deserve as a human being. Further you gave me an impression that if someone is ‘Bi’ it necessarily mean that he should have sex with more than one partner. I don’t think the impression is right (no matter howsoever common it may be!). Even a straight person doesn’t get attracted to a single woman, or a gay guy to a single man but it doesn’t mean that they shall necessarily have sex with more than one person. Similarly a bisexual by default is not a dishonest guy. He may well be attracted towards many women or men, but can choose one of them (a woman or a man) to spend life with.
It is not that I am living in some wonderland; I know all harsh realities of this ‘gay world’. I know the kind of effort, time and luck (!) it takes to find someone whose love for you outweighs his fear of society. But I strongly believe that it is possible. I know many people just want to quench their thirst for sex somehow without caring about how does gays look as a society. But it is the reason why I feel that we have a little more burden on our shoulders. I know gays need not prove anything, yet titled this blog as ‘Prove That Gays Can Love Too.’.
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